St. Xavier’s College of Management & Technology

NAAC Accredited with B++ Grade (1st Cycle)

प्रवाहितो ज्ञानगंगाप्रवाह

Aims & Objectives

Aims & Objectives

The College aim to offer an all-round formation that is intellectual, cultural, social, emotional, physical, aesthetic, moral and spiritual.

It further aims at promoting values such as respect for common Indian cultural heritage, egalitarianism, democracy, secularism, equality of sexes, protection of environment, removal of social barriers, responsible use of cybernetics and mass media, transparency and probity in private and public life, national unity and respect for religious and moral values

Principal's Message

Fr (Dr) Martin Poras SJ

Education in the words of W.B. Yeats, “is not the filling of a bucket but the lightening of the fire”. Yes, education is about igniting change within; forming men and women who would have the strength of character, the moral fibre, and the courage of conviction to stand for what is right and just. It is about enabling people with voice and choice.