St. Xavier’s College of Management & Technology

NAAC Accredited with B++ Grade (1st Cycle) | AICTE Approved

प्रवाहितो ज्ञानगंगाप्रवाह

Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

To build an egalitarian society based on equality, justice, freedom and fraternity as enshrined in the Constitution of India through various curricular and co-curricular activities.


To form well-motivated leaders who will be intellectually competent, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired to transform the world into a ‘वसुध्ैव कुटुम्बकम्’ (Universal brotherhood-sisterhood).

Our Priorities

  1. Making our educational institution a centre of excellence.
  2. Integral growth of our students to become agents of social change.
  3. Preferential option for the poor and the marginalized.
  4. Develop physical infra-structure of the Colleges to achieve our vision and mission.

Core Values

The area which is distinctive to our Institution is its emphasis on the education of the whole person. Its priority and thrust are captured in the three captions displayed in the campus.

  1. The goal of Jesuit Education is the formation of men and women for others.
  2. The heart of education is the education of the heart.
  3. Education is for LIFE and not just for a living.

Education, in our country, seems overly focused on material wellbeing leading to conspicuous consumerism.  Certainly we need wealth and money for a decent standard of living.  But the legacy and heritage of the spiritual insights of great souls in India teach us that a dignified, contented and peaceful life cannot be attained without having a clear focus on human values, ennobling attitudes over information, knowledge, skills, jobs, and luxuries of life.  Convinced of these noble ideals, we orient and direct our planning and execution of different policies and decisions regarding education here.

Being a Jesuit institution of higher education, we have inherited and embraced the rich legacy and heritage of the Jesuit education of the last 480 years.  The Jesuits have carved out a distinctive path in education so that they were once called “The School masters of Europe”.  Their Ratio Studiorum which means a “Plan of Studies” was a document that globally standardized the system of Jesuit education in 1599.  The modern version of this plan of Jesuit education is encapsulated in the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP). According to it, one of the main objectives of education is to be facilitators (teachers) helping the learners (students) discover their own truth.

IPP proposes a five step process: Context > Experience > Reflection > Action > Evaluation.   Taking into consideration the socio-economic, religious, cultural and institutional context of the students, they are helped to reflect on their experiences.  This means a thoughtful and careful analysis of the experiences for a fuller and deeper grasp of the significance and the meaning of these experience.  This meaning is enfleshed in action, not in mere words, which produces further experiences to be evaluated and integrated into the holistic growth of the students.

A learner/student/person who undergoes the above five stages of the pedagogy can be identified by the following six characteristics starting with the letter C, popularly known here as the 6 Cs. In the usual format, there are only four Cs, namely, Competence, Commitment, Conscience and Compassion.  But we have added two more Cs, namely, Creativity and Collaboration.

  1. Competence: The learner/teacher gains mastery of the subject in terms of knowledge. It means the learner/teacher has a deep and full grasp of the subject after having studied it from different perspectives.  Then s/he is in a position to share this knowledge and influence others with a high level of confidence and comfort.
  2. Creativity: The teaching/learning process, is expected to explore paths other than the beaten track.  In order to make learning an enjoyable activity, creative and innovative methods are to be employed so that the process is enriching and empowering, meaningful and fulfilling.
  3. Commitment: The teaching/learning process demands a discipline that equips persons with the qualities of punctuality, perseverance, determination and goal orientation.  This commitment is the key to the realization of the vision and mission of the institution.  This would mean a serious and sincere effort in internalizing the nuances of the vision and mission.
  4. Collaboration:  The efforts of forming men and women for others is a collaborative effort between different stakeholders; members of the management, faculty, non-teaching staff, students, parents, industrialists, etc.  Team work is the royal road to the process of growth of a person.  Where there is synergy, more is achieved.
  5. Compassion: The outcome of a teaching-learning process is to be seen in action, an action which is compassionate towards oneself, fellow human beings and all other beings on this planet.  Empathy and compassionate action will transform the world into a better place for all to live in. This is to be witnessed in the way mentees are accompanied by mentors in the way the weak students are helped by teachers and bright students, etc.  This is evident in the way the management reaches out to the economically and socially disadvantaged students to complete their studies through scholarships. Students reach out to the poor and needy in whatever way they can.  They respond spontaneously and generously when catastrophes like flood, earthquake, etc., strike.
  6. Conscience: No action is neutral.  Every individual and societal action has a moral aspect to it.  Therefore, evaluation of one’s action is an integral part of education.  A teacher/learner does not live in a moral vacuum.  His/her actions have a moral effect on him/herself and on society.  One needs to walk the talk and lead by example.  The adage, values are not taught but caught, is to be seen in morally right actions.  Teachers are expected to discharge their duties conscientiously.  Impartiality, respect for each student irrespective of caste, creed, gender are hallmarks of education.  Students are to practice utmost honesty while appearing for examinations.

A person who imbibes all these characteristics will certainly be an educated person, a person of integrity, fully human and fully alive.

Principal's Message

Fr (Dr) Martin Poras SJ

Education in the words of W.B. Yeats, “is not the filling of a bucket but the lightening of the fire”. Yes, education is about igniting change within; forming men and women who would have the strength of character, the moral fibre, and the courage of conviction to stand for what is right and just. It is about enabling people with voice and choice.